Disease management

Turkeys are relatively more resistant to some of the diseases as compared to chicken. Infection from Marek's disease and Infectious Bronchitis are extremely rare. Ranikhet disease and Coccidiosis occur only in mild form. The most common diseases are Fowl pox, Fowl cholera, Fowl typhoid, Mycoplasmosis, Blue comb and round worm infections. Although effective drugs are available for prevention and treatment of most of these diseases, greater emphasis should be placed on prevention.

  • Although turkeys are resistant to various diseases but the veterinary care is required at initial stages and for vaccinations etc.
  • The turkeys are completely resistant to Marek's and Infectious Bronchitis, Ranikhet, Fowl pox and Coccidiosis occur in mild form. Some of the commonly encountered diseases in turkeys are Fowl Cholera, Erysipelas, Haemorrhagic enteritis and Avian Influenza. The turkeys are protected from fowl cholera and Erysipelas by vaccination.

Some disease that can be seen in turkey is given below.

Common disease of Turkey





Salmonella arizona

Poults unthrifty and may develop eye opacity and blindness.

Susceptible age 3-4 weeks

Elimination of infected breeder flock and hatchery fumigation and sanitation

Blue comb disease

Corona virus

Depression, loss of weight, frothy or watery droppings, darkening of head and skin

Depopulation and decontamination of farm. Give rest period.

Chronic respiratory disease

Mycoplasma gallisepticum

Coughing, gurgling, sneezing, nasal exudates

Secure Mycoplasma free stock


Erysipelothrix rhusiopathidae

Sudden losses, swollen snood, discoloration of parts of face, droppy


Fowl cholera

Pasturella multocida

Purplish head, greenish yellow droppings, sudden death

Sanitation and disposal of dead birds

Fowl pox

Pox virus

Small yellow blisters on comb and wattles and scab formation


Haemorrhagic enteritis


One or more dead birds


Infectious synovitis

Mycoplasma gallisepticum

Enlarged hocks, foot pads, lameness, breast blisters

Purchase clean stock

Infectious sinusitis


Nasal discharge, swollen sinuses and coughing

Secure poults from disease free breeders


Fungal origin

Haemorrhages, pale fatty liver and kidneys

Avoid feed spoilage

New castle disease

Paramyxo virus

Gasping, wheezing, twisting of neck, paralysis, soft shelled eggs



Salmonella pullorum

Diarrhea in poults

Prevention and flock sanitation

Turkey coryza

Bordetella avium

Snicking, rales and discharge of excessive nasal mucus



Coccidia spp

Bloody diarrhea and loss of weight

Proper sanitation and management of litter

Turkey venereal disease

Mycoplasma meleagris

Lowered fertility and hatchability

Strict sanitation

Vaccination Schedule

Day old

ND-B1 strain

4th and 5th week

Fowl pox

6th week

ND- (R2B)

8-10 weeks

Cholera vaccine

(Source: Central Poultry Development Organisation, Hessarghatta)