The important pest and diseases of bhindi, their symptom and control measures are as detailed below.
Shoot and fruit borer (Earias vittela and E. insulana)
Small brown caterpillars bore into the top shoot and feeds inside the shoot before fruit formation. Later on they bore into the fruits and feed within. Affected fruits become unfit for consumption. The fruit borer incidence is severe in humid conditions especially after the rainfall.

Control: All the infested fruits and shoots should be removed regularly and buried deep in the soil.Spray Emamectin benzoate 5% @ 10 g ai/ha or chlorantraniliprole 18.5 SC @ 30 g/ha at an interval of 15 days.
Root knot nematode (Meloidogyne incognita)
The root knot nematode enters the roots causing characteristic root knots or galls. The aerial symptoms consist mainly of stunted plant growth and yellowing of leaves. Nematode attack in the seedling stage leads to pre and post emergent damage resulting in reduced crop stand.

Control: Apply sawdust or paddy husk at 500 g/plant or neem leaves or Eupatorium leaves at 250 g/plant in basins one week prior to planting and water daily. The effect of this treatment persists up to 75 days after sowing in summer season. Cultural control methods such as rotation with non host crops like cereals; fallowing; deep ploughing 2-3 times in summer months, etc. greatly reduce nematode population in soil. Application of nemagon (30 litres/ha) with irrigation before sowing protects the seedling in its early stage of growth. Application of Bacillus macerans or B. circulans (1.2 x 106 cells per pit) before sowing is recommended for the control of root knot nematode.Seed treatment with Bacillus macerens @ 3% w/w (2.5 kg/ha) and in highly infested area, seed treatment with B. macerens @ 3% w/w and drenching with B. macerens @ 3% solution 30 days after sowing can be recommended.
Leaf hopper (Amrasca biguttula biguttula)
Nymphs and adults of a small, greenish leafhopper suck plant sap from the undersurface leaves and as a result the leaves curl upwards along the margins and have a burnt look, which extend over the entire leaf area giving the typical ‘hopper burn’ symptom. The affected plants show a stunted growth. This pest attack is serious in early stage of the crop.
Control: 4-5 foliar sprays of dimethoate (0.05%) at an interval of 10 days effectively controls the pest.
Mites (Tetranychus spp.)
Nymphs and adults of mites suck cell sap and whitish grey patches appear on leaves. Affected leaves become mottled, turn brown and fall. The infestation of mites is mostly observed during the warm and dry periods of the season.

Control: Spraying with wettable sulphur 80 WP (2 g/ litre of water) or dicofol 18.5 EC (2.5 ml/litre of water) effectively control the mites.
White fly (Bemisia tabaci)
Nymphs and adults of a milky white minute fly suck the cell sap from the leaves. The affected leaves curl and dry. Affected plants show a stunted growth. White flies are the natural vectors of yellow vein mosaic virus (YMVY) and hence controlling this pest provides protection against the virus infection also.

Control: Clean cultivation practices, removal and destruction of virus affected plants and planting disease resistant varieties reduces the disease incidence. Controlling the whitefly population minimizes the incidence of YVMV. 4-5 foliar sprays of dimethoate (0.05%) or neem oil emulsion (5%) at an interval of 10 days effectively controls the whitefly population. Use of resistant varieties like Arka Anamika, Arka Abhay and Susthira, and destruction of host weeds like Croton sparsiflora and Ageratum sp. are also effective.
Damping off (Pythium sp., Rhizoctonia sp.)
Causes death of seedlings before or soon after emergence. Pre emergence infection results in poor germination, whereas in post emergence infection, the emerged seedlings develop a lesion at collar region. The tissues beneath the lesion become soft due to which the seedlings die and collapse which is referred to as "damp off". Cool, cloudy weather, high humidity, wet and compacted soils, and overcrowding favour development of damping off.
Control: Excessive irrigation should be avoided to reduce humidity around the plants. Seed treatment with antagonist fungal culture of Trichoderma viride (3-4 g/kg of seed) or thiram (2-3 g /kg of seed) and soil drenching with dithane M 45 (0.2%) affords protection against the disease. The field should be regularly inspected and the disease affected seedlings should be removed and destroyed.
Fusarium wilt (Fusarium oxysporum vasinfectum)
Initial symptom is temporary wilting, which becomes permanent and progressive later. Leaves show yellowing, lose turgidity and show drooping symptoms. Eventually, the plant dies. In older plants, leaves wilt suddenly and vascular bundles in the collar region become yellow or brown. This disease is caused by a soil borne fungus, which invades the root system and block water movement. All varieties are susceptible.
Control: No control is available other than a long rotation. Continuous cultivation of bhindi on the same piece of land should be avoided. Three sprays of karathane (0.6g/ litre of water) or bavistin (1g/litre of water) immediately on appearance of initial symptoms at 5-6 days interval checks the spread of the disease. Leaves of fully grown plants should be thoroughly drenched during spraying.
Powdery mildew (Erysiphe cichoracearum)
The disease appears as small, round, whitish spots on leaves and stems. The spots enlarge and coalesce rapidly and white powdery mass appears on the upper leaf surface. Heavily infected leaves become yellow, and later become dry and brown. Extensive premature defoliation of the older leaves resulting in yield reduction. High humidity and heavy dew increase the severity of the disease. The disease is found mainly on older leaves, and young leaves are almost immune. Also, healthy and vigorous plants are less susceptible compared to plants under nutritional stress.

Control: Follow balanced manuring and fertilizer application on the basis of standard recommendations. Application of wettable sulphur (0.2%) or bavistin (0.1%) at one week interval effectively controls the disease.
Cercospora leaf spot (Cercospora abelmoschi and C. malayensis)
C. malayensis causes brown, irregular spots and C. abelmoschi causes sooty black angular spots. The affected leaves roll, wilt and fall. The disease causes severe defoliation during humid seasons.

Control: Since the fungus survives on the diseased plant material, removal and destruction of diseased plant material helps to check the spread of the disease. Foliar spray of Trichoderma viridae 2% thrice at fortnightly interval on both surface of leaves on symptom appearance or Psuedomonas fluorescence 2% thrice at 14 days interval is effective.
Enation leaf curl of bhindi
Symptoms appear on the lower surface of the leaf as small, pin-head enations, which later on become warty and rough textured. Size of the leaf is reduced and become thick and leathery. The most characteristic symptoms of the disease are twisting of the main stem and lateral branches along with enations, giving the plant a creeping appearance. Fruits produced are few and deformed. The natural transmission of the disease is through whitefly
Control: Removal and destruction of virus affected plants reduces the disease incidence. Controlling the whitefly population minimizes the incidence of enation leaf curl also. Giving 4-5 foliar sprays of dimethoate (0.05%) at an interval of 10 days effectively controls the whitefly population