Yoder’s Spray Chrysanthemum Advisory Team recently developed these standard terms to clear up confusion in the spray mum marketplace for improved communication among growers, wholesalers, retailers, wire service outlets and consumers.
Arrangement – These varieties’ flowers have long enough individual stems to break off for use in mixed flower arrangements.
Availability – Yoder breeds spray mum varieties for both North American and Latin American producers. Because variety performance may vary in these regions, some varieties may not perform satisfactorily if produced outside of their preferred region.
Bouquet – Varieties are well suited for use in individual or mixed bouquets. Individual flower stems are typically shorter than those varieties for arrangements.

Button – A spray mum flower form typically less than 1¼” in diameter, comprised almost entirely of ray petals. It is usually round or slightly crested in appearance.
Center Bud Removal (CBR) – The process of removing the top-most or “center’” bud on each stem in order to open up the formation of the spray (laterals) to promote more uniform flowering. [The opposite of disbud.]
Cushion – A spray mum flower form typically more than 1 ½” in diameter, comprised almost entirely of ray petals. It is usually flat or slightly crested in appearance. Formerly called “decorative”.

Daisy – A spray mum flower form comprised of outer (ray) petals radiating out from the perimeter of a close-cropped center “eye” (disk).

Decorative – As applied to a spray mum flower form, this term is no longer used. See cushion.
Disbud – The process of removing all lateral buds from a stem, leaving only the top-most or center bud to develop. [The opposite of center bud removal.]
Disk (or disk florets) – The close-cropped center petals a daisy spray mum; or the “puffed”, more elongated petals of a duet spray mum.
Duet – A spray mum flower form comprised of two distinct kinds of petals: 1) a prominent “puffed” center of elongated disk florets and 2) ray petals radiating out from the perimeter of the center disk. |

Exotic – A descriptor for any spray mum flower form in which unusual petal characteristics make it distinctly different from mainstream varieties. For example, a cushion with feathered, spoon-tipped, quill-tipped, curled or otherwise unusual petals would be called an exotic cushion.
Feathered – Specifically describes the exotic characteristics of petals which have a raggedy or feather-like shape.
Flower Size – Classified according to average diameter of mature flowers: petite- less than 1 ¼ inches, small - 1 ¼ to 1 ¾ inches, medium - 2 to 2 ¾ inches, large – 3 to 3 ¾ inches and extra large – over 4 inches.
Novelty – As applied to spray mums, this term is no longer used.
Pompon – As a synonym for “spray mum” or the “button” flower form of spray mums, this term is no longer used.
Quill-tipped – specifically describes the exotic characteristics of ray petals which have an elongated tubular shape resembling a feather quill.
Ray petals or ray florets – The outer perimeter petals of a flower.
Recommended – The time of year when reliable performance can be expected in North America. This may vary according to local light and temperature conditions. Latin American producers should check with their local supplier for recommended flowering periods in their region.
Response – Each variety has a week response, which indicates the length of time it takes to flower (2/3 to ¾ open stage) with proper cultural conditions after “short day” treatment begins. Varieties which can be grown as either disbuds or sprays often require 3 to 5 more days if spray treatment is given.
Spider – A spray mum flower form comprised of elongated tubular petals that are often curled at the ends.

Spoon-tipped – Specifically describes the exotic characteristics of ray petals which have an elongated tubular shape similar to quill-tipped but more flattened at the tip, resembling a spoon.
Spray – A flower stem having multiple flowers (see center bud removal).
Spray Mum – This term replaces “pompon” or “cut mum” to describe this type of cut chrysanthemum having multiple flowers per stem. Technically a “CBR” (center bud removed) stem belonging to the species Chrysanthemum ×morifolium of the Compositae family of flowers, having multiple laterals with one flower per lateral. Its flowers may have the form of a button, cushion, daisy, duet or spider.
Standard – A mum and standard chrysanthemum flower stem having only a single flower (see disbud).
Vigor – Understanding the relative vigor (short, medium, tall) helps in planning lighting schedules and growth regulation application.