Propagation & Planting



Japanese White, Arka Nishanth, Pusa Chetki, Pusa Reshmi, Pusa Desi and Bombay Red Long


Radish can be grown in high ranges from June to January. Seed rate is 7 to 8 kg per hectare. The land should be thoroughly ploughed to facilitate proper root development. Incorporate well decomposed FYM @15-20 t/ha at the time of land preparation. Application of fresh undecomposed FYM should be avoided as it leads to forking of the fleshy roots. Radish is usually grown on ridges to facilitate good root production. Ridges of about 20 cm height are taken 45 cm apart and seeds are sown 10 cm apart on the rows. The seed is mixed with fine sand and sown in rows by hand, and covered with soil to make it firm around it.