Green or light green fruited: Pusa Sawani, Pusa Makhmali, IARI selection 2, Kiran, Salkeerthi
High yielding variety released from the Kerala Agricultural University (KAU). Attractive, long, light green fruits. Average fruit length is 27 cm and fruits weigh on an average 28 g. Average yield is 16.2 t/ha.

High yielding variety released from KAU by selection from Kilichundan local. Pods are light green in colour.

Pusa Sawani
Released from IARI, New Delhi. Suitable for cultivating in summer and rainy season. Fruits are dark green, smooth with 5 ridges and about 10-12 cm long at the time of harvest. Crop matures within 50 days from sowing. Average yield is 12-15 t/ha. Susceptible to yellow vein mosaic virus (YVMV).
Pusa Makhmali
Released from IARI, New Delhi. Variety produces light green fruits. Highly susceptible to YVMV.
Red Fruited: CO-1, Aruna
High yielding variety released from KAU with long red pods. Resistant to YVMV. Average yield 15.8 t/ha.

CO 1
High yielding variety released from the Tamil Nadu Agricultural University. Red fruited variety suitable for cultivation in Kerala.
Yellow Vein Mosaic resistant or tolerant: Arka Anamika, Arka Abhay, Susthira, Anjitha, Manjima(All green fruited)
A high yielding perennial type bhindi released from KAU with average yield of 18 t/ha. It responds well to pruning. Fruits are long and green, 22 cm in length and weighs 24.5 g on an average. It is resistant to yellow vein mosaic virus and is recommended for rainfed cropping.

Arka Anamika
Released from IIHR, Bangalore. Fruits are borne in two flushes. During first flush, fruits are borne on the main stem 45-50 days after sowing. During second flush, fruits are borne on short branches, which sprout from the middle portion of the main stem. Fruits are spineless with 5-6 ridges, delicate aroma and good keeping quality. Resistant to YVMV. Average yield is 20 t/ha and can be harvested in 130 days.
Arka abhay
Released from IIHR, Bangalore. Fruits are green in colour. Resistant to YVMV
Punjab no. 13
Released from PAU, Ludhiana. Suitable for cultivating in spring and summer season. Fruits are light green, five ridged and of medium length. Susceptible to YVMV.
Punjab Padmini
Released from PAU, Ludhiana. Fruits are quick growing, dark green, hairy, five ridged and remain tender for a longer period. Matures within 55-60 days after sowing. Tolerant to YVMV.
Parbhani Kranti
Released from MKV, Parbhani in Maharashtra. Fruits are medium-long with tender smooth surface at marketable stage. Fruits have good keeping quality. Average yield is 8.5-11.5 t/ha and mature within 120 days. Tolerant to YVMV.