
It is a high yielding variety released from the Kerala Agricultural University.


Released from the Kerala Agricultural University. Fruits are light green in colour and it is a less pungent variety. Suitable for cultivation in southern districts of Kerala. Average yield is 20 t/ha.



Released from the Kerala Agricultural University, green fruits and less pungent. Suitable for cultivation in southern districts of Kerala. Average yield 22.5 t/ha.


Bacterial wilt resistant variety from the Kerala Agricultural University, fruits are highly pungent, light green and borne in bunches. Average fruit length is 4 cm and suitable for high density planting.


High yielding bacterial wilt resistant variety suitable for Kerala condition, released from the KAU. Dark green fruits that turn dark brown on ripening, 6 cm in length and borne in bunches. Suitable for making green chilli and for drying purpose. High pungent variety, suitable for extraction of oleoresins and colouring pigments. Resistant to mosaic and leaf roller attack.



High yielding, early maturing, bacterial wilt resistant chilli variety released from the KAU suitable for cultivation in Kerala condition. Plants are of medium stature with attractive long green medium pungent fruits, which turn deep red on ripening. Average fruit weight is 3.6 g. Average yield is 27 t/ha.


Kovilpatti 1 &2, Bhagyalakshmi, Pusa Jwala, Pant-C1&C-2, K-2, Arka Lohit, Pusa Sadabahar, Punjab Lal, Hissar Sakthi, Andhra Jyothi, Arka Basanth, Arka Gaurav, Arka Mohini and Green gold are other important varieties of chilli suitable for growing in Kerala condition.

Pant-C1, K-2, Vellayani Athulya and Vellayani Samrudhi (tolerant to shade and recommended for Southern zone of Kerala) , Vellayani Thejus .

Bacterial wilt resistant varieties: Ujwala, Anugraha

Choosing a cultivar

Yield of chilli crop varies widely depending on cultivar and season. While selecting cultivars, it's important to consider parameters like fruit quality, especially consumer preferences for the shape, colour and degree of pungency of fruits; resistance to diseases and pests especially when growing in endemic area; and tolerance to adverse climatic conditions.