
Thrips (Thrips tabaci)

Nymphs and adult thrips lacerate the epidermis of leaves and suck the exuding cell sap. The affected leaves show silvery blotches, which later turn into brownish colour, and the plants ultimately wilt and dry away.

Maggot (Hylemia antiqua)

The larva enters into soil and damage disc portion of bulb. Infested plants turn yellowish brown and finally dry up. The affected bulbs rot in storage.

Control: Regular crop rotation should be followed and thimet should be applied in the soil before transplanting.

Cutworms (Agrotis ipsilon)

Young larvae cut the seedlings at ground level during night and hide during day. The tender plants are found damped at ground level during the night.

Control: Chlorpyriphos (5ml/litre) gives good control of this pest.


Blast, damping off, basal rot, downy mildew, smut, bacterial brown rot, anthracnose, white rot, and neck rot are some of the diseases found serious in garlic crop under north Indian conditions. To control blast, spray mancozeb (2 g/litre). Following proper sanitary and phytosanitary measures will take care of the disease and normally no pesticide spray is needed.