
Young tea fields and the fields immediately after pruning are harvested by hand plucking. Fields that have crossed more than 15 months from pruning are harvested with the help of a hand held shear. Shear harvesting increases the productivity of the workers. In recent years hand held motorized harvesters were evaluated and found useful to achieve high labour productivity. Both the one man and two men operated Kawasaki and Ochiai motorized harvesters are useful in tea fields planted on moderate and gentle slopes. The battery operated harvesters are also useful to increase the productivity of the women pluckers.
Ten commandments for plucking
1. Harvest two to three leaves and a bud and / or single and two-leaf banjis.
2. Pluck the mother leaf during January-March.
3. Pluck the new level during rest of the month.
4. Pluck at 7-10 days interval during high cropping months.
5. Pluck at 12-15 days interval during low cropping months.
6. Removal of banjis and breaking-back should be a part of plucking operation.
7. Do not pluck below the level.
8. Leave immature shoots.
9. Shear-harvest during rush periods.
10. Cut lanes in older fields.