Intercultural operations


Organic manure may be applied at the rate of 10 to 25 kg / plant / year at the onset of southwest monsoon in basins around the plant. Each papaya plant should also be supplied with 40 g N, 40 g P2O5, and 80 g K2O at every two month interval.

Weeding and intercropping

Keep the papaya plot free of weeds. Two hand-diggings, one in the beginning of the rainy season and another in January - February are necessary. When papaya is grown as the main crop, vegetables can be profitably cultivated as intercrop for about six months from planting of papaya seedlings.


The crop should be irrigated in summer. The ring system of irrigation is better for papaya than the basin system because the ring system prevents irrigation water coming into contact with the stem, thus preventing collar rot.